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A modern and pythonic approach of GraphQL, painless GraphQL developing experience for Pythonista.

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Pygraphy is another Python approach of GraphQL. Compare with Graphql-Core-(Next), Pygraphy is totally rewrite the GraphQL model declaration system in pythonic way, rather than copying GraphQL.js 1:1. Therefore, Pygraphy is able to provide native developing experience with Pythonic way.

Quick Review

All the behaviors of Pygraphy are no difference from your intuition.

import asyncio
import pygraphy
from typing import List, Optional
from starlette.applications import Starlette
import uvicorn

app = Starlette(debug=True)

class Episode(pygraphy.Enum):
    NEWHOPE = 4
    EMPIRE = 5
    JEDI = 6

class Character(pygraphy.Interface):
    Character interface contains human and droid
    id: str
    name: str
    appears_in: List[Episode]

    def friends(self) -> Optional[List['Character']]:
        return []

class Human(pygraphy.Object, Character):
    Human object
    home_planet: str

class Droid(pygraphy.Object, Character):
    Droid object
    primary_function: str

class Query(pygraphy.Query):

    async def hero(self, episode: Episode) -> Optional[Character]:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return Droid(
            appears_in=[Episode.NEWHOPE, Episode.EMPIRE, Episode.JEDI],

class Schema(pygraphy.Schema):
    query: Optional[Query]

if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=8000)


Python 3.7+


Pygraphy supports two installation mode:

  1. pip install 'pygraphy[web]' for users want to use Pygraphy with built-in web app together like quickstart.
  2. pip install 'pygraphy' for users want to use bare Pygraphy executor and model declaration system.